Diamond Drilling
Diamond drilling is the most informative and effective method of drilling used in exploration. EDGE Drilling provides fully orientated, high quality core samples with dual or triple tube applications through NQ, HQ and PQ core sizes. We are widely considered to be Western Australia’s leading Diamond Drilling company.
Diamond Core drilling is a system that drills and collects a core (cylindrical) sample in the state it is found, i.e. in-situ. The system known as ‘wireline coring’ is used, ie a diamond impregnated (hollow) core bit is used which cuts until the core barrel is full. Drilling Mud / Cutting oil cools/lubricates bit and acts as medium for lifting cuttings to surface. Diamond Drilling is perfect for Western Australia’s harsh environments.
EDGE DRILLING provides Core Drilling in the following sizes:
- NQ2 Ø 50.5 mm (2 inch)
- HQ Ø 63.5 mm (2 1/2 in)
- HQ3 Ø 61.1 mm (2 13/32 in)
- PQ Ø 85.0 mm (3 11/32 in)
- PQ3 Ø 83.0 mm (3 9/32 in)
EDGE provides superior samples through expansive knowledge of ground conditions, maintaining hole integrity, recovery and presentation of core and hole directions. Exploration and mine site experienced, we can cater to your needs to provide the best possible outcomes for your project.